Palletising Solutions

Palletising systems save time and eliminate the need for heavy manual palletising activities at the end of the packing line and can therefore provide a very significant return on investment

Palletiser types vary with some systems being custom-built and others being of a more standard configuration. All systems will typically include fully automated empty pallet handling, case transport, functions such as product orientation, layer sheet application and also automatic stretch wrapping and/or pallet labeling possibilities

Since 1964 CSi has been at the forefront of palletising technology. Therefore CSi today is one of the world’s leading materials handling companies, specialized in packing and palletising systems. Having a wide range of palletising technology at our fingertips, from simple robotic palletising cells like our i-Pal platform, to our fastest and highly sophisticated multi-load palletising machine, the C5000, ensures that we always design the best possible solution. Robust construction, intelligent controls, ease of operation and low maintenance are the main design benefits you get with all CSi palletisers.

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